Talking to Daisy

It's after #NaNoWriMo and I'm just “doodling” now, exploring as I plan out a second draft. This is me talking to Daisy. Her comments have bullets before them. Mine don't. It was easier to write this way than full script mode.

Hello there Daisy!

So, what I want to do here is get to know you in your own words, what you think and feel about your life and the world in which you live.

Sure. But enough meta-chatter. Tell me about your childhood.


can't blame them.

That's what I hear.

Oh, really?

Oh my.

How much is that?

Are those normal spells that everyone knows?

Interesting. You learn something new every day.

Is that normal?

You said once that she had to spend half her time finding you and the other half healing you.

Like what? What's an example?

Do you not feel pain?

Interesting. So you were fearless as well?

Why is that, do you think?

How old were you then?

How do you mean?

her husband.

I can understand that. How did you get over it?

Like being kidnapped by Brant?

Some might say that being locked up in a cell by yourself with a raving madman who says he's going to kill you is a bad thing.

Back to Kaelyn in a few minutes, tell me about Lily. Does she still live with your parents?

that's good for Lily. Do you like him as much as you liked Ian?

That sounds lovely!

Okay, so tell me about Kaelyn.

Oh dear!

What was her image of you, do you think?

Do you think she knew how you felt?

When did that happen?

You seem to have a lot of insight into Kaelyn.

Everyone does.

Okay, well, I need to get back to spending time with my family.

Hey, what did I say about the meta-commentary?

© 2020-2021 Nathanial Dickson. Written during #NaNoWriMo 2020 Contact me on Mastodon