Maps of Strand and Environs

Hey all! I've been quiet on this blog since the end of NaNoWriMo, but that doesn't mean I've left Kaelyn and Daisy and the rest in the dust. I'm working on a second draft of the novel, just not as feverishly.

But I've also turned Strand and the story of Brant and Daisy into a little D&D campaign I'm running with my kids. I thought I'd share the maps I've been making for that campaign.

I'm making these in Campaign Cartographer 3+, which I picked up in a Humble Bundle deal last month. I've been having fun making maps of the areas I wrote about, and thought I'd share them. Just like the rest of this novel these are very much rough drafts, but fun nonetheless.

Strand and everything around it:

Close up of Strand:

Brant's Cave

Admittedly this has been embellished a bit to make it work for the D&D campaign.

Super Deluxe Extra Environment: The Basement of Ellis' Chapel

Another environment that has been added when this turned into a D&D campaign. Also this was me playing with the lighting system in Campaign Cartographer, so the lights are weird and gratuitous.

So yeah, now you know what Strand and the area would look like if they were designed by someone using CAD/mapping software for the first time!


© 2020-2021 Nathanial Dickson. Written during #NaNoWriMo 2020 Contact me on Mastodon